Hi! Welcome to the "Ideas" page! If your stuck on an idea for a poem, here is the solution! Just scroll down or look at the pictures to give you ideas, or you can think of ideas that happend in the past, like memorys or amazing moments! Or with the pictures you can ame a story! The picture will fill you with imagination and start giving you ideas for storys! Hope you find more ideas when you look down!  

Talking animals and nontalking humans

A kids imagination running out

Fire v.s Ice

Going to a different universe


What you would do if you were president.

What you do every day, then change it.

Wizards trying to be humans

Getting stolen, and describing how you feel.

Whatever you touch goes into the future

You on a game show for your life

Real magic

Being the richest person in the world

Being Indiana Jones and writing his journel durirng his journeys

The universe not ending

Getting to live forever

Only getting to live untill your 20

Living in a well

The world ending in one day

A key that opens the secret of the universe

A breackfast cerial that changes your life

A clock that controls time

Being stranded on a deserted island with only one wish...what would you ask for?

 That you could go into any book you like

Your scaryest dreams coming to life

Being the most famous person in the world

Going back in time to the Egyptions

Being apart of WORLD WAR 1

Your best friend starteing world war 3

Being able to controll things with your mind

Your family acting strange, and you solving the case

You being the only person on earth for 10 days

You knowing every single languadge in the world

Being the king of the world

 Knowing everything in the world

Your body controlling you

Jellybeans that can do ....anything

Getting lost on the moon

Seeing a ghost thats been dead for over 500 years

You being poor

Having no family or friends

That you could read peoples minds

Sleeping on a bed that can fly

 Going all around the world in one day

Being in the biggest fire in history

Hanging on a rope under a never ending hole

Dreaming about what will happen in the future

Falling through to the center of the earth

 Making plants go to life

 Dreaming forever

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